Verlag für Kindertheater

Verlag für Kindertheater

Author details

Andreas Steinhöfel

Andreas Steinhövel was born in Battenberg in 1962, studied Anglistics, Americanistics and media sciences in Marburg. He is one oft he most successful children and youth literature authors in Germany. His first children's book "Dirk und ich" (Dirk and I) was published in 1991, followed by many award winning stories for children and youth. His novel "Die Mitte der Welt" (The center of the world) published by Carlsen in 1998 is a complex and intrigueing coming of age novel for youth (and adults), that had been nominated fort he German youth literature award in 1999. Among his most renowned characters are without doubt the low talented Rico and his high talented friend Oskar, who convict the ALDI-hijacker "Mister 2000", heal a "Herzgebreche"(heartbreak), and even reconquer the "Diebstahlstein"(burglary stone). Andreas Steinhövel was rewarded with the Erich-Kästner-Award for literature in 2009 and in 2013 with the special award of the German youth literature award for his whole works. As first children and youth author he has become a member oft he German acadamy of language and poetry.

"His childlike heroes are mostly outcasts: children, whose parents don't care, unloved, children of divorced parents, homeless souls, fatherless, beaten. Often they've got a handycap (too fat, too slow, too stubborn, too smart). Bravely they always get back on the track, laugh away their fear and defend their shortcomings. The author shares with them the hope, everything will turn out good in the end and never betrays them." (Eva-Maria-Kohl, Laudatio for giving German youth literature award for whole works)


Andreas Steinhöfel
Andreas Steinhöfel
