Verlag für Kindertheater

Verlag für Kindertheater

Title details

Für immer das Meer

von Christiane Richers

Mit Musik von Axel Pätz

The Sea For Ever

with music by Axel Pätz

Heinrich Boysen loved going to sea. However, now that he is old and frail, he has nothing but memories of the ships he travelled in, of stormy seas, of sails in the wind, and especially of his pirate sweetheart, whom he loved in all winds and weathers. With her he had all kinds of fantastic adventures, and their life as he describes it was wild and wonderful. Just once more he would like to set sail again, to look for and find his pirate girl, who was the best, the most beautiful, the most dangerous of them all! And so his carer Margarethe should get him all the provisions he needs, including bags of raisins and flour. At first the realistic Margarethe doesn’t quite know what is happening to her as she is drawn ever deeper into Heinrich’s wild tales of the sea, but gradually she begins to discover new sides of her own character. The longer she listens to Heinrich, the more she finds herself enjoying the great adventure of life, and so in the end she plays along with him.

Christiane Richers shows that both young and old people share the same dreams, and this helps them to understand one another. It doesn’t matter how old we are, we can always set out again with hope and imagination, even if we do not know where the winds will take us.

1 m + 1 f, age 8+, premiered at the Theater am Strom, February 2011 (directed by Marcel Weinand)


Bearbeitung: Axel Pätz
Besetzung: 1 Dame(n) , 1 Herr(en)
Alter: empfohlen ab 8
Uraufführung: 2011, Theater am Strom Februar (Regie: Marcel Weinand)

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