Verlag für Kindertheater

Verlag für Kindertheater

Title details


von Flo Staffelmayr

Monolog und Klassenzimmerstück


Bus Play for 1w; for age of 8+; WP: Dschungel (jungle) Vienna, 11/06/2014 (directed by Flo Staffelmayr)

Malala is looking forward to go to school very much for she wants to learn a lot at any price. She excitedly tells us of the friendly bus driver, who picks her up on her way to school, of her life in the Svat valley in Pakistan, of her friends and of her father who is a teacher at a girls' school. But since 2004 the fundamentalist Taliban rage in Svat valley, who not only prohibit music and dance, but first of all school education for girls and women as well. The religious extremists don't hesitate to attack schools and kill girls who resist the prohibition. Malala herself gets shot on the school bus and only scarcely survives. But she doesn't let herself be intimidated, she draws attention on the fate of girls in Pakistan in public and becomes an ambassador for the right of education: "I raise my voice - not to scream, but to speak up for those, who have no voice." (Malala Yousafzai)

Flo Staffelmayr tells Malala Yousafzai's real story in a compassionate and witty manner for children, unquestionable as an accusation against ideological delusion and a plea for individual happiness. Free access to education would be one important precondition to fight extremist developments efficiently worldwide. Free access to the common welfare would be the other. All the more it is important, that children in our countries are able to hear voices like Malala's from other parts of the world.

Besetzung: 1 Dame(n)
Alter: empfohlen ab 8
Uraufführung: 11.06.2014, Dschungel Wien, Regie: Flo Staffelmayr

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